What is ICU?
Just like in a hospital, ICU stands for "Intensive Care Unit". Students placed on the ICU list need intensive care to ensure their success.
These students:
A. Have a missing or incomplete assignment or assessment
B. Did not earn a Proficient score on an assignment or assessment.
When a student is added to the ICU list, parents are notified through a text message and/or email. They are also given extra supports throughout the school day to ensure their success in school.
Student Supports:
Lunch and Advisory Academic Lab
Students on the ICU list are assigned to lunch and advisory academic lab. Here, students are given extra time to work and are supported by 2 to 3 teachers to ensure their success.
Before and After School Academic Lab
This voluntary time is for students who need extra help or a quiet place to work on homework or classwork While this is not one-on-one tutoring, a teacher or two will be available for assistance. In addition, this could become compulsory if we see a need for students.
- Morning Ac Lab is – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 7:15-7:45
- After School Ac Lab is- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 3:15 to 4:30
Mr. Tim Kluesner is our school lifeguard. He checks in with ICU students daily. He also communicates with parents and teachers to get students the help they need.
Saturday School
When the above supports are not enough for students, we open the school on Saturday for extra work time.
Blitz Day
This works double duty as reward/incentive and extra work time for students. Once a month, students who are not on the ICU list will participate in a reward involving fun activities, while those on the list receive extra time and support to achieve success.